#GiveATomorrow – A campaign for the South African National Blood Service

I was driving to work one day and I was listening to RSG – Representatives from the SANBS were having an on air discussion about the plight of the organisation, how low the numbers were, how desperate the situation was – I got into the agency, called the creatives into our boardroom and briefed them to come up with some proactive ideas, which we could take to the SANBS.

3 weeks later we pitched our ideas to the head of marketing.

A simple metaphor – of a pen running out of ink while someone is writing a future wish for themselves – is combined with beautiful visuals and – an arresting supporting trauma audio narrative – to create a campaign that seamlessly aligns with our clients new brand positioning of Finishing Stories.

Our new client asked us to turn our original 3 print ads into a fully integrated marketing campaign.

After a bit of back and forth we finally got to produce the whole enchilada.

We turned the 3 print ads into 3 TVCs:

But, it all began with 3 print ideas:


and soon turned into some beautiful out of home executions:



We also flighted the campaign digitally:

On YouTube:




and Twitter:


and created a custom, fully responsive campaign environment on-line:



3 Radio spots:

We are also shooting 3 Documentary films:


Client: South African National Blood Service – for being brave enough to turn 3 proactive print ideas into a fully integrated marketing campaign

Agency: Base2

ECD: Jacque Matthee

ACD: Lize du Plessis

Art Director: David Blakey-Milner

Copywriter: Lilian vd Merwe (Strauss)

Client Service: Mark-John Frara and Sanele Mthethwa

Agency Production: Alex Hope-Bailey

TV and Radio: 1st Pencil

Director: Justine Puren-Calverly

Producer: Brenda Wilson

DOP: Rory O’Grady

Editor: Claire Stewart (Tessa Ford Post Production)

Sound: Sean Williams (Sterling Sound)

Campaign Production House: 10th Street Media

Producer: Darren Kerr

Editor: Bradley Reynolds

Stills photography: Michael Knight Studios

Photographer: Michael Knight


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