Save for change – Proof that small change can make big notes.

South Africans are notoriously bad at saving. In April 2014 a brief came in from Absa for proactive ideas from all their agencies to educate and inspire the nation to save. We felt that the humble coin could go a long way to reaching our intended audience, but not in the usual way – We decided that we would make the first ever music video by a bank, dedicated to savings, using coins as part of the music and visual narrative.

And so began a 14 month journey to create Save for change.

The Music Video: 3 Simple savings stories.

Fred 1

Fred of the stairs: A tap dancer and busker who entertains passers by with is infectious personality and slick moves. His only dream is to be smart enough to dance on the grand staircase.

Lilly 1

Lilly the artist: Lilly is a young waitress and incredible artist who’s saving up to go to art college.

M&S 1

Mike and Simone: A young professional couple who has everything. Or do they? They’ve lost one another and decide to do something about it.

Written and Directed by: Dani Hynes from Egg Films

Music by: Jeremy Loops with guest artist Casper Noyvest and Sphum

Song: Power Changes

Percussion: The entire underlying percussion track was orchestrated using only coins by Migs from Rob Roy Studios.

The TVCs: The 3 savings stories were cut into 3 TVCs to support and drive peope to the on line music video and campaign page where they could explore the stories of the characters.

The campaign page:

Fred IS WLilly IS WM&S IS W


Client: Absa, Retail Banking Marketing Team

Agency: Base2

ECD: Jacque Matthee

CD: James Nelson

ACD: Lize du Plessis – Writer

ACD: Jeff Siepman – Art Director

Client Service: Mark-John Frara, Anita Modi-Mitchell

Agency Production: Lee-Ann Booysen

Music Video and TVCs:

Film Production House: Egg Films

Director: Dani Hynes

Producer: Melanie Curtis

DOP: James Adi

Editor: Jason Basson (Orchestra Blue Post Production)

Music and Sound Production:

Artist: Jeremy Loops

Guest Artists: Casper Noyvest, Sphum

Track: Power Changes

Studio: Rob Roy Studios

Engineer: Miguel “MIG” Loureiro



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